Contact Toby.
Toby Partington (he/him) is Head of Operations at Empower, and is based in Chepstow, South Wales (UK).
Toby’s career began in procurement, where he worked with freelance translators around the world to optimise the delivery of highly specialist insight language services. At Empower, he has since worked with some of the world’s biggest insight agencies to deliver innovative localization solutions, including the use of AI in multilingual OE response coding.
Toby is also a well-known face in the global language industry, and is no stranger to the stage – you might find him at global localization conferences, giving talks on supply chain management and operations.
Feel free to reach out Toby with any of your head-scratching technical problems in research translation… the more complex, the better!
Introducing: The Global Research
Translation is only one part of localizing global research.
How should you approach the gender question in Germany? What is the best F2F practice in Saudi Arabia? Is GDPR applicable in Sweden?
Your global research questions, answered by experts.
Introducing: The Global Research
Translation is only one part of localizing global research.
How should you approach the gender question in Germany? What is the best F2F practice in Saudi Arabia? Is GDPR applicable in Sweden?
Your global research questions, answered by experts.